
12:30 pm in CC219 Tuesdays of every month.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Who doesn't love free points? :D Ok, so Julia thought of this up. We want more people to use our blogspot, so basically, if you sign up for our blog, then you get .5 points. In order to sign up, you have to click on join this site under followers, it's somewhere on the left over there <----
Anyways, then you enter in your info, it would be helpful if you had a gmail since blogspot kinda connects with gmail, but if you don't, there are other options to join too! Also, if you can get others to join, then you will get 1 full point and that person will get .5 points for joining! Be sure to get them to comment on this blog post saying _____ sent me! Easy right? But there's a catch, this only lasts till September 30 which is like 3 more days, so hurry hurry! :D

Ellen Trieu,
Secretary/Points Officer

I felt a need to put my name at the end of the blog post so you can see who's posting! Most likely it'll mostly be just me, but I love to just have a signature at the end (:

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