
12:30 pm in CC219 Tuesdays of every month.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Santa Clara Art and Wine Festival

Hey everyone! Our AGS president, Julia, received an email from the people over at the Santa Clara Art and Wine Festival! Here is the email:


The annual Santa Clara Art and Wine festival will be held on September 17th and 18th at Central Park in Santa Clara. SVACA will once again be joining in the fun by bringing many of our adoptable animals out to meet folks and spread the word about the good work that we do.

There are 4 volunteer spots open for each day, please sign yourself up in Volgistics if you are able to lend a hand that day.

Please contact Mike or Jennifer if there are any questions.

Thanks for all that you do for the animals!

So if you want to volunteer for this, please contact Julia so she can contact Michael by Monday or you can comment on this post and I'll make sure Julia knows that you want to volunteer! (:

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