
12:30 pm in CC219 Tuesdays of every month.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Hey everyone! If you've been out of the loop, don't worry you're not the only one! Here are a few updates so far to get you back in the loop:

*Please turn in your applications ASAP if you plan on joining us again for this semester, yes you do need to turn in an application for every semester, pay the club fee, basically do the process all over again. Please turn in the applications to me or Julia or leave it in Julia's box in the club room! And don't forget to log into the ANGEL group if you already paid the club fee, new members! And for those of you that turned in applications, please don't forget to turn in the rest of your paperwork or I will have to play head hunter again (:

*Points will go back to the way they were, 1 point per hour! Julia did say it depends on the event, but generally it is 1 point per hour, so please stop harassing me xD Points are due by May 11, no exceptions!! So write this down in your calendars people! If I made a mistake or anything, please contact me and we will get it fixed! (:

*AGS sashes for graduation are 21 dollars if we pick them up at the conference and 22 dollars if we get them shipped to us. Heather will be ordering them for us and we need to pay for them in advance. If you are interested, please pay as soon as possible!

*Elections for Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 are going to be held on the first Tuesday of May! The positions that are available are: President, Vice President, Treasurer and Point Secretary. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please let Julia know! You are required to write a 3-5 minute speech introducing yourself, why you are running for the position and your goal for the future of AGS.

*Our Spring conference is this Friday the 20th-22nd! We will be meeting TODAY at 4pm in the campus center club room to work on nametags, the cheer and the newsletter (yes, you will get points for helping out!) Hopefully we can everything finalized by Thursday. Make sure to bring the following for those who are going to the conference: AGS shirts, swimsuit (if weather permits), evening attire for the banquet and your smiles (Julia came up with that, not me xD)

-Rock the votes ASG Elections, voter registration sign up and to support Measure C and prop 1522. Please sign the petition to make tax companies that drill oil and make billions off profit, instead by taxing them that money goes directly to our school K-12, community colleges, UC and CSU
-Eco Fair is coming up on 4/19 and Julia is looking for opportunities for us to volunteer, as soon as the coordinator gets back to her, she will post the info on ANGEL

That's basically it! If you have any questions, be sure to ask us in our facebook group or email me at
And good luck on getting all those points in! Have a good rest of the semester, AGS members and hope to see you around! (:

Ellen Trieu,
Secretary/Points Officer

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Few Updates

Hey everyone! How did all of your midterms go? If you had any. Mine went decently ok. Ok so here are a few updates that has been going on:

*Please turn in your money for the spring conference as soon as possible! Julia got us some money from ASG, so now it's down to $165, but if you choose to go only on Saturday, it'll be $125. You can make checks out to AGS Sigma Iota. You can give the money to me or Julia, or put it in an envelope and put it in Julia's box in the club room!

*Please turn in your applications for AGS as soon as possible! Our current t-shirts are $10, since we are getting new t shirt designs very soon! The club fee is $15. You can find the new member packet on ANGEL, which has the application, a points chart, and an employment verification form! You can hand Julia or me the application or put it in her box in the club room! And if you haven't joined our facebook group, please join! We communicate on there regularly:

*Gamer day is TOMORROW, March 13! If you need some extra points, this is the perfect opportunity! It runs from 10am-6pm in the campus center. I will have a drop box on ANGEL, so please log in your hours on there. There will be a sign in sheet there as well! (:

*If you're looking for community service stuff to do and you're in our ANGEL group, please check the calendar for all the events and feel free to ask Kayla or Julia about the events! (: We are doing blood drive tabling until the actual blood drive day! It's from 11-2 and 3-7. The tables are in the main building and the cafeteria, so feel free to do either! Please log in your hours and days on ANGEL!

Feel free to message me on facebook (if you have me as a friend) or e-mail me at if you have any questions! (:

Ellen Trieu
Secretary/Points Officer

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Meeting Time/Updates

Hey everyone! As most of you know, Tuesday was our first meeting for the Spring 2012 semester! I know it went well, even though I wasn't there. So yes, our new meeting times for this semester is on Tuesdays, it'll be every week for at least this month then we'll probably change it to biweekly like last semester. So Tuesdays, around 12:30pm-1:30pm, same meeting room as last semester! Unfortunately not a lot of people showed up on Tuesdays because the letter telling people that they're eligible to join AGS has not been e-mailed out yet. I think it's due to some technical problems, so hopefully we see some new faces at the meetings soon! I, unfortunately, have class around those times, so please bare with me if I won't be as informed or as organized this semester, just turn in all your paperwork to Julia and she'll transfer them over to me, or leave them in her box and I'll take it from there! If you have any questions, be sure to e-mail me at or if you have my facebook, to message me! If you can't make it to the meetings, like me, Julia will have the agendas posted up on ANGEL if you're in our ANGEL group! Oh and we might have possible conference meeting calls, like on Skype or something, for those of us who can't attend, so more updates to come on that!

I deleted all of the points from last semester, so it's a new clean slate on there now and I just added the points for Tuesday's meeting.

And as for the applications this semester, since I deal with most of the applications, it'll be so much easier for me if you could print out your current schedule and your transcript because the current schedule will confirm the number of units you have while it doesn't show that on the transcript and some people do make some mistakes on their applications, so yes current schedule and transcripts please! I did post a member packet on ANGEL, it includes the application, a points chart, and an employment verification form. I just thought it'd be easier to have all of those instead of a bunch of separate things, so don't be alarmed when you see the packet! And be sure to keep the points chart, I was asked a lot of questions last semester on how the points system works!

And I will try to post more updates on here this semester, but everything will be on ANGEL, so once you pay, please please sign up on there if you're a new member! I will try to clean up the roster, so whoever isn't joining this semester will be removed, just to make it a bit more cleaner!

That's about it...hopefully I see you all again this semester and some new faces as well! Let's have a great semester everyone! (:

Ellen Trieu,
Secretary/Points Officer