
12:30 pm in CC219 Tuesdays of every month.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Renew The Zoo and SVACA Orientation

Hey everyone! There are two things going on on October 8!

First is Renew The Zoo which is 8-11 AM at the San Francisco Zoo! A few of us went to Renew the Zoo last semester and it was very fun, considering we got free access to the zoo! I've never been to the zoo before that, so it was a good experience! Highly recommended to go! (: Renew the Zoo is on the second Saturday of each month, so you can go whenever you want to!

The second thing is the cat orientation for SVACA! It's from 10 AM-12 PM! It's right near Mission College, so it's not that far! Here is the address, in case:
3370 Thomas Road
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Be sure to sign up for the orientation before going, here is the site to sign up:
There is also the dog orientation on Sunday October 9, if you're interested!

You don't have to do both, since the times overlap, so be sure to do one or the other, if you can! I will probably be putting up an assessment on ANGEL, so whoever is interested in renew the zoo, just sign up there and if you end up going, be sure to tell me because I'll be going to the orientation instead. I will be sending out more ANGEL passwords later on this week, I need to collect the applications from the ASB Office to get your emails, so hang on tight! Hope to see you at the orientation! (: Oh and if you need to carpool, be sure to contact us!

Ellen Trieu,
Secretary/Points Officer

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